Welcome to Conservator Care LLC
Conservator Care LLC is a full service conservatorship provider owned & operated by Louise "Mitzi" Bouffard, a probate
court appointed conservator of person & estate. We oversee the finances and/or personal care of indigent
adults who are unable to manage their own affairs.

Mitzi Bouffard has a wealth of experience being a personal conservator. Her focus and core competencies include
understanding vulnerable adult issues, focusing on each client's specific needs, being empathetic and solving
difficult problems each individual faces. Her strength in relationship building, vast knowledge of community resources
and the ability to take on problems and solve them efficiently is the key to her success.

Most conservators are attorneys and have other staff at their law firm that will help you.
You will rarely work with the conservator assigned to you. This is what sets me aside from the others.
It is my passion to help those in need and I go above and beyond to do so.
I provide the one on one attention that you deserve.
Louise "Mitzi" Bouffard

Conservator Care LLC.
PO Box 2503
Bristol CT  06011-2503
860-736-2281 fax

© 2019 Conservator Care LLC - Louise "Mitzi" Bouffard - Website Courtesy of Design By Dunbar